Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance.
I’m not really certain as to where my feet is standing in the present,
All I know is that I have felt anger and have risen above it.
Depression is a very strong word so I guess I consider “loneliness” as its surrogate…
Yes, I have been lonely for a while but I have seen that there are more things to be thankful for.
Denial? I have it beside me since day one and I can’t figure out why it wouldn’t run off.
Oh, maybe because I still have a little faith, faith in everything I suppose.
And lastly, Acceptance… maybe I’m still working on it; Time will manage.
Let me just share to you what rising up this morning made me realize.
Waking up today felt unusual compared to the gone passing days,
Feeling a little numb I guess.
As I walked on the outside, I have captured the beautiful sunrise in my eyes,
It was amazing; it made my sentiments lighter to carry.
It made me reflect that I can beat GRIEF as long as I take each day one at a time,
that there’s always something wonderful to cherish everyday aside from those negative vibes.
I may have LESS in my heart today and tomorrow,
But all I know is I’m capable of giving MORE than I can.
Never will I cut short for I know that LIFE is what you make it.
So, thank you for the beautiful SUNRISE today. It turned my gray clouds into a sunny one.
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